Reach For The Skies

Be in charge of your future


thRelationships are hard work by understanding them better helps you arrive at better decisions and choosing the routes you should take.

Relationships can also be damaging, learning how to become whole again after a bereavement, a divorce, bad relationship, family breakdown, children leaving the nest, illness, trauma, misunderstandings – this is a tough time and leaves us with feelings of loss, insecurity, guilt, lack of confidence or complete exhaustion. I will hold your hand on a healing journey that will enlighten, explore and problem solve as we mend your broken heart.

Relationships4Rebuilding your life on solid foundations leads you to find the solutions you are looking for, whether that be repairing a relationship, leaving a relationship, on amicable terms, or getting to know members of your family again after years apart. The journey is yours but the route you take can be guided and is uniquely tailored to you needs, so lets get started

Woman rolling out a road